Monday, 18 February 2019

Pounding extra part

Now the pictures for this was taken first from the other video but I never had a plan or any idea for it. I just repurposed the images to work with "Pounding"

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Almost completed the video

So a while back I had shown an old start to a stop-motion video called "Pounding". Well I've been tinkering around with making video's for other purposes and decided to tackle this old project again. By no means is this good at all but it was fun and got me to learnt the program of Filmora a lot better.
 Yeah the picture quality is bad but that can be explained by the fact they where taken over 5 years ago now.  As for the audio. Well I'm still getting the hang of that as well as the fact I'm ONLY using Filmora which doesn't offer much in audio editing.