Tuesday 10 February 2015

Intro time

"While Jaller Toa Onvermel makes history, you we shall record it (On this blog)"

Yeah, a mangled quite from The Mask of Light is a great way to kick of this blog! My name is Toa Hanahtu, and while Onvermel, my brother, is the creator of this blog, I am the older of the Toa brothers!
That's me. Errr, sorta....

As is the case with my Gravity friend, my first Bionicle set came on Dec 25th, 2001, but mine was Turaga Vakama! I have been a fan of Bionicle since I got my first one, though it has been the story that has kept me hooked, more so than the actual sets (Thought hings went off the tails a bit after the reveal of the Giant Robot. Meh.)
Ain't he cute?

I would have to say my favorite Bionicle set is impossible to find, as I don't really know, but I shall just choose Toa Onua, in his original form.

He was actually the 4th of the Mata Toa I got, but since Tahu and Kopaka was taken already in my family (Long story, you will hear about it sometime) I was stuck with Onu, and the little dirt Fellow grew on me. And I got his Golden Pakari in my second Mask set. That helped.

With that, this blog is officially off the ground (Unless Onvermel says otherwise)

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